椰菜花 300 g
三文魚柳 100 g
雞湯 30 g
蒜蓉 10 g
牛油 10 g
黑椒 5 g
芝士粉 5 g
麵粉 5 g
鹽 5 g
糖 2 g
甜椒粉 2 g
- 首先將椰菜花洗乾淨之後切去莖部,將花部份切成碎粒或用攪拌器攪或碎粒備用。
- 三文魚柳沖洗後印乾水備用。
- 用滾水烚椰菜花碎大約3至5分鐘撈起,瀝乾水後備用。
- 開鑊落油先煎熟三文魚柳,取出三文魚後去皮,用叉壓碎或用攪拌器攪碎。
- 煎完三文魚的油不用倒去,加入牛油及蒜蓉炒香已烚好的椰菜花碎,再放入三文魚碎,加入鹽、糖、芝士粉和黑椒調味兜勻。
- 加入雞湯、麵粉水兜勻就可以上碟。
- 最後灑上甜椒粉及擺盤用食用花增加美觀感。
-此食譜由KOLB LIFE Limited提供-
Braised Salmon Cauliflower Rice
Cooking time: about 20 minutes
Serving size: 2 ppl
Cauliflower 300 g
Salmon fillet 100 g
Chicken broth 30 g
Minced garlic 10 g
Butter 10 g
black pepper 5 g
Cheese powder 5 g
Flour 5 g
salt 5 g
sugar 2 g
Paprika 2 g
First, wash the cauliflowers and cut off the stems. Cut the flowers into small pieces or use a blender to blend them into pieces and set aside.
Rinse the salmon fillets and dry them, and set aside.
Boil the chopped cauliflower in boiling water for about 3 to 5 minutes, drain and set aside.
Add oil to a wok and fry the salmon fillet first. Take out the salmon from the wok, peel it, and crush it with a fork or blend it with a blender.
Don't pour out the oil after frying the salmon. Add butter and minced garlic and sauté the chopped cauliflower until fragrant. Add the chopped salmon. Add salt, sugar, cheese powder and black pepper to taste.
Add chicken broth, flour and water and mix well before serving.
Finally, sprinkle with bell pepper powder and use edible flowers to add beauty to the dish.
-This recipe is provided by KOLB LIFE Limited-
三文魚燴椰菜花飯/ Braised Salmon Cauliflower Rice
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