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【照護食標準指引】烹調示範 - 晚餐




1. 將豆豉剁碎成免治狀,加入薑蓉、蒜蓉、適量糖、生抽、鹽、少量水攪勻至免治狀。
2. 解凍鯰魚柳,將其切成小塊。蒸熟後將鯰魚柳攪拌至免治狀。
3. 將蔥切成小於0.4cm x 1.5cm的小塊。
4. 先將魚柳放在碟上,然後將豆豉醬及蔥花放在魚上,用保鮮紙包蓋好然後蒸數分鐘即成。





. 牛肉碎200g、豬肉碎 100g、洋蔥50g、蛋1隻、巴馬臣芝士粉20g、粟粉1 茶匙、黑糖1 茶匙、紅椒粉2 茶匙、黑胡椒適量、鹽適量、牛奶10毫升、橄欖油適量、奶油適量、蒜蓉10g、番茄3顆、鹽適量、黑胡椒適量
. 芡汁:粟粉 1茶匙、水1湯匙

1. 洋蔥切成粒狀,中火加少許橄欖油將洋蔥炒至軟身(約3分鐘),取出備用。
2. 蕃茄去皮切成粒狀。
3. 將牛肉碎、豬肉碎、橄欖油、已炒過洋蔥、紅椒粉、蛋、牛奶、巴馬臣芝士粉、鹽和黑胡椒一起拌勻。然後用保鮮紙包蓋,放入雪櫃冷藏約30分鐘。
4. 拿出肉碎並分成4-5份。手濕少許水/油,把每份肉碎搓成肉丸。用鑊把肉丸煎至表面金黃,約七分熟後取出備用。

5. 用餘油炒香蒜蓉及洋蔥之後倒入去皮蕃茄、茄汁、少量水份、鹽和黑胡椒。煮滾後轉中小火將蕃茄塊搗碎,再加入粟粉水調校杰度。用攪拌器將醬汁攪至軟滑無硬塊。將醬汁放入煎過的肉丸回鍋用中小火煮,邊煮邊將醬汁淋在肉丸上,大約3 分鐘即可盛盤,最後灑上巴馬臣芝士粉即成。

1. 須特別注意醬汁不能太黏。
2. 蕃茄可以一開四切角後,用刀慢慢將皮除去。或可在番茄底部鎅十字花,放入熱水煮大約2-3 分鐘後取出,放入冰水冷卻然後去皮。



Steamed fish fillet with black bean sauce



Catfish fillet, 10g salted black beans (douchi), 5g minced ginger, 5g minced garlic, 5g green onion, sugar, light soy sauce, salt



1. Chop the salted black beans into minced beans, add minced ginger, minced garlic, appropriate amount of sugar, light soy sauce, salt, and a small amount of water and stir until smooth.

2. 、Defrost the catfish fillet and cut it into small pieces. After steaming, stir the catfish fillets until minced and soft.

3. Cut the green onions into small pieces less than 0.4cm x 1.5cm.

4. First put the fish fillet on the plate, then put the black bean sauce and chopped green onion on the fish, cover it with plastic wrap and steam it for a few minutes.



There is a chance that water will come out of the fish fillet after steaming, so the excess water should be removed or sucked away.


This dish is based on the Care Food Standard Level 5 (i.e., The International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) Level 5)


Meatballs in tomato sauce

[Play the video to watch the cooking steps]


Materials: 200g minced beef, 100g minced pork, 50g onion, 1 egg, 20g of Parmesan Cheese powder, 1 teaspoon of corn starch, 1 teaspoon of brown sugar, 2 teaspoons of paprika, appropriate amount of black pepper, appropriate amount of salt, 10ml of milk, appropriate amount of olive oil, appropriate amount of cream, 10g of minced garlic, 3  tomatoes.

Sauce: 1 teaspoon of corn starch, 1 tablespoon of water




1. Cut the onion into cubes, add a little olive oil and sauté the onion over medium heat until soft (about 3 minutes), take it out and set aside.

2. Peel the tomatoes and cut into cubes.

3. Mix together the minced beef, minced pork, olive oil, fried onions, paprika, eggs, milk, Parmesan cheese, salt and black pepper. Then cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for about 30 minutes.

4. Take out the minced meat and divide into 4-5 portions. Wet your hands with a little water/oil and roll each portion of minced meat into meatballs. Fry the meatballs in a wok until the surface is golden brown, about halfway cooked, then take them out and set aside.

5. Use the remaining oil to sauté the garlic and onions until fragrant, then add the peeled tomatoes, tomato juice, a little water, salt and black pepper. After boiling, turn to medium-low heat and crush the tomato cubes, then add cornstarch water to adjust the stickiness. Use a blender to blend the sauce until smooth and free of lumps. Add the sauce to the fried meatballs and cook over medium-low heat. Pour the sauce over the meatballs while cooking. Take the meatballs out after about 3 minutes. Finally, sprinkle with Parmesan cheese powder and serve.


Kind tips:

1. Pay special attention to the sauce not being too sticky.

2. Cut the tomatoes into four corners and slowly remove the skin with a knife. Alternatively, you can lightly score the base of the tomatoes with a cross, boil them in hot water for about 2-3 minutes, take them out, put them in ice water to cool and then peel them.


This dish is based on the Care Food Standard Level 6 (i.e., The International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) Level 6)

照護食標準指引 烹調示範 - 晚餐

  • 煮食片段、 食譜內容、食物的軟硬度、稀杰度、尺寸及測試方法僅供參考。實際情況可能受食材種類、食物溫度、烹調方法、 餵食技巧、 工具及環境等因素影響。患者進食前建議先諮詢言語治療師及相關專業人士意見,評估個人適用的飲食等級,並配合指示進食



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