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【照護食標準指引】烹調示範 - 午餐




. 獅子頭:豬肉碎250g、薑蓉1 茶匙、薯蓉80g、冬菇(泡水浸軟切粒)3隻、臘腸切粒1/2條、蛋白1隻、娃娃菜150g、雞湯 200g、粟粉 1茶匙、黑糖1茶匙

. 醃料:生抽(醬油)3茶匙、黑糖1茶匙、粟粉(玉米粉)2茶匙、胡椒粉 少許、麻油 少許
. 汁料:生抽2茶匙、老抽1/2茶匙、蠔油1茶匙、黑糖1茶匙、麻油少許
. 芡汁: 粟粉1茶匙、水1湯匙

1. 冬菇用熱水浸泡15分鐘後,將厚身地方切去,只用黑色頂部的部分,剁成免治狀,再隔水蒸15分鐘;或只用浸完冬菇的水,取其香味。
2. 把薯仔去皮切成粒狀,隔水蒸15分鐘後撈起備用。

3. 臘腸切成粒狀,隔水蒸15分鐘。然後用攪拌器將臘腸、冬菇及薯仔攪至免治狀,可加入少量水份一同攪拌。
4. 娃娃菜切成粒狀備用。
5. 把豬肉碎、薑蓉、薯蓉、冬菇蓉、臘腸蓉、蛋白、粟粉和醃料拌勻並拌至起膠,然後置於雪櫃中冷藏30分鐘。
6. 將豬肉碎分成8份。手濕少許水/油,把每份豬肉碎搓成肉丸。然後將肉丸煎至表面微微金黃色,不用全熟。
7. 將雞湯和汁料倒入鑊中,中火煮滾後加蓋煮約15分鐘。然後放入娃娃菜,繼續中火煮15分鐘,燜煮至肉丸和娃娃菜軟身。最後加入粟粉水,按個人喜好調校醬汁杰度即成。






. 西蘭花1 小棵、紅蘿蔔1 個、茄子1 個、薯仔2 個、雞柳200g、增稠劑適量
. 葡汁:黃薑粉2.5 茶匙、牛油2 湯匙、上湯3/4 杯、淡忌廉或淡奶50g、椰漿100g、糖1/4茶匙、鹽1/4茶匙
. 芡汁:粟粉1湯匙、清水3湯匙
1. 紅蘿蔔去皮並切成粒狀,中火烚25 分鐘。將140g 紅蘿蔔、160mL水及3.5g增稠劑放入攪拌器中攪至糊狀,確保軟滑無硬塊。
2. 薯仔去皮並切成粒狀,中火烚25 分鐘。將150g 薯仔、150mL水及3.7g增稠劑放入攪拌器中攪至糊狀,確保軟滑無硬塊。
3. 西蘭花浸鹽水後,切成塊狀,中火烚10 分鐘。將200g西蘭花、220mL 水及4.1g 增稠劑放入攪拌器中攪至糊狀,確保軟滑無硬塊。

4. 茄子去蒂去皮並切成粒狀,中火烚10 分鐘。將190g 茄子、220mL水及4.7g增稠劑放入攪拌器中攪至糊狀,確保軟滑無硬塊。
5. 雞柳洗淨, 中火烚10 分鐘。將180g 雞柳、280mL 水及4.8g增稠劑放入攪拌器中攪至糊狀,確保軟滑無硬塊。
6. 將攪拌好的材料分別放入鍋翻熱後倒入矽膠模具塑形。待食材凍卻後,便可甩模及上碟。
7. 葡汁:先用小火將牛油煮溶,倒入上湯、淡忌廉(或淡奶)、椰漿煮滾。然後放入黃薑粉、鹽、糖,最後加入粟粉水埋芡,將醬汁煮至符合等級四的杰度便可盛起並淋上菜式上。






1. 淮山和栗子可預先用室溫水浸泡30 分鐘或放入雪櫃浸過夜。
2. 所有材料浸洗備用。茶樹菇先剪開細塊,再浸洗備用。
3. 將淮山、栗子放入袋。
4. 將所有材料及水放入煲中,先大火滾30分鐘,之後轉中小火煲2.5小時。關火後,加鹽調味。
5. 撈起淮山、栗子,用攪拌器將淮山、栗子攪至糊狀。
6. 將湯和淮山栗子糊混合一起,將湯調校至符合等級三的杰度即成。




Braised Meatball with Soy Sauce



. Meatball: 250g minced pork, 1 teaspoon of minced ginger, 80g mashed potatoes, 3 mushrooms (soaked in water and diced), 1/2 Chinese sausage and diced it, egg white of egg white, 150g baby cabbage, 200g chicken broth, 1 teaspoon of cornstarch , 1 teaspoon of brown sugar

. Marinade: 3 teasphoon of light soy sauce, 1 teasphoon brown sugar, 2 teasphoon of cornstarch, a little pepper, a little sesame oil

. Sauce: 2 teasphoon of light soy sauce, 1/2 teasphoon of dark soy sauce, 1 teasphoon of oyster sauce, 1 teasphoon of brown sugar, a little sesame oil

. Velveting the sauce: 1 teaspoon of cornstarch, 1 tablespoon of water



1. Soak the mushrooms in hot water for 15 minutes. Cut off the thick parts and use the black top part only. Chop it until minced and steam it in water for 15 minutes. Or just use the water in which the mushrooms have been soaked to preserve their aroma. .

2. Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes, steam in water for 15 minutes, remove and set aside.

3. Cut the Chinese sausage into cubes and steam for 15 minutes. Then use a blender to crush the sausage, mushrooms and potatoes until they are minced. Add a small amount of water and stir them together.

4. Cut the baby cabbage into cubes.

5. Mix the minced pork, minced ginger, minced potatoes, minced mushrooms, minced Chinese sausage, egg whites, cornstarch and marinade until gelatinous, then refrigerate in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

6. Divide the minced pork into 8 portions. Wet your hands with a little water/oil and roll each portion of minced pork into meatballs. Then fry the meatballs until the surface becomes slightly golden brown, but not fully cooked.

7. Pour the chicken stock and sauce into the wok, bring to a boil over medium heat, then cover and simmer for about 15 minutes. Then add the baby cabbage and continue to cook over medium heat for 15 minutes until the meatballs and baby cabbage are soft. Finally, add cornstarch water and adjust the stickiness of the sauce according to personal preference and it is ready to serve.


This dish is based on theCare Food standard level 7EC (i.e., The International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) level 7EC)


Vegetable soup with poplar fieldcapand chestnuts



80g poplar fieldcap, 35g Cordyceps militaris, 20g Jujube, 15g goji berry, 30g yam, 25g dried longan, 100g chestnuts ( with shell removed), appropriate amount of salt, 4000mL water



1.⁠ ⁠Chestnuts and yam can be refrigerated overnight or soaked in room temperature water for 30 minutes.

2.⁠ ⁠After soaking everything, set it aside. First, thinly slice the poplar fieldcap, then soak and wash.

3.⁠ ⁠Stuff the bag with the chestnuts and dioscorea polystachya.

4.⁠ ⁠Fill the pot with all the ingredients and water. Bring to a boil over high heat for 30 minutes, then lower the heat to medium and simmer for two and a half hours. After the heat is off, season with salt.

5.⁠ ⁠Take up the yam and chestnuts, and use a blender to mince them into a paste .

6.⁠ ⁠Mix the soup with the yam and chestnut, and then modify the soup to a level 3 consistency.


This dish is based on the Care Food Standard Level 3 (i.e., The International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) Level 3)

照護食標準指引 烹調示範 - 午餐

  • 煮食片段、 食譜內容、食物的軟硬度、稀杰度、尺寸及測試方法僅供參考。實際情況可能受食材種類、食物溫度、烹調方法、 餵食技巧、 工具及環境等因素影響。患者進食前建議先諮詢言語治療師及相關專業人士意見,評估個人適用的飲食等級,並配合指示進食

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