Care Food Cooking Competition 2024
This Year's Highlights
The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) invited caregivers as contestants for the first time in our Care Food Cooking Competition 2023, we bring the concept of Care Food into the community and integrate Care Food into daily life.
This year, we have invited caregivers and foreign domestic helpers, with the theme of "Travel with Care Food", allowing caregivers and foreign domestic helpers to turn the favorite and unforgettable food of dysphagia individuals during their trip to Hong Kong or around the world into Care Food, in hope that people with dysphagia recalling the joyful moments they had during their journey.
Hong Kong is a city of delicacies, where you can enjoy different cuisines in every district. However, people with dysphagia only have a few options for dining out. Through this competition, we hope to provide caregivers and foreign domestic helpers with a deeper understanding of Care Food-related knowledge so that people with dysphagia can have a taste of dishes of different styles. At the same time, promoting Care Food to the community, we envision people with dysphagia in various districts enjoying diverse delicacies from different places, so people from every district can enjoy delicious food.

Competition Process
Pre-competition activities
Online Submission
Pre-competition Practice
On-site competition
On-site award presentation
28th July, 2024
Submit on or before 5 p.m.
17th August, 2024 & 7th September, 2024
21st September, 2024
19th October, 2024
23rd November, 2024
Preliminary selection
Travel with Care Food
If your family member has dysphagia, they may not be able to enjoy the delicacies they loved while traveling in the past.
This competition aims to turn the foods that loved ones at home when travelling overseas or locally into Care Food so that they can regain the taste of delicious food and relive the memories of that time.
Foreign Domestic Helpers
Dish Requirements
Turn a dish that the dysphagia individuals like during their trip into Care Food; there is no limit to the cooking method.
Submission Method
Complete the Application Form and email to goodlife@hkcss.org.hk, or;
Complete the online Application Form (Google Form), applicants must attach photos/videos to introduce relevant works.
Deadline of Application
28th July, 2024 (Sunday) at 5:00 p.m.
Finalist Notification
The list of finalists will be announced on 6th August, 2024 (Tuesday). The finalists will be notified separately and will receive an additional HK$3,800 subsidy for preparing the final. (The subsidy will be distributed in two phases, and only those who have successfully completed the Final and Award Ceremony will be eligible for the full subsidy.)
The first 30 successful contestants will receive a HK$100 supermarket voucher
Remark: Successful contestants must complete and submit the required information in the application form, subject to the receipt of confirmation email from the organiser.

Pre-competition activities

Care Food and Dysphagia Workshops
Workshop 1
Planned to be held on 17th August, 2024. (The actual time and location will be notified separately)
The duration is around 3 hours.
For shortlisted candidates only.
Session 1
Speech therapist shares knowledge about dysphagia, Guideline of Care Food Standard and caring skills.
Chef demonstrates and guides Care Food cooking techniques.
Session 2
Each shortlisted candidate will be paired and cooperate with a student from the Vocational Training Council (VTC). VTC students will help improve the competition dish and platting, assist candidates in dish preparation, and work with them in the final.
Candidates and VTC students can get to know each other and share cooking experiences.
Workshop 2
Planned to be held in the afternoon on 7th September, 2024. (The actual time and location will be notified separately)
The duration is around 2 hours.
Session 1 (Workshop)
Tips sharing from experts on Care Food nutrition.
Session 2 (Interact with Public)
Shortlisted candidates will display their entries to let the public understand their entries and encourage the shortlisted candidates.
Pre-competition Practice
Planned to be held on 21st September, 2024 . (The actual time and location will be notified separately)
The shortlisted candidates will try to cook the competition dish together with VTC students and will be guided by professionals.
Shortlisted candidates have to be interviewed and shoot a short video on that day for public voting.
Competition Time and Venue
Date: 19th October, 2024 (Saturday)
Time: 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (tentative)
Venue: The International Culinary Institute (143 Pok Fu Lam Road, Hong Kong)
Rules of Competition
Finalists are required to cook Care Food dishes on-site within the designated time (about 30 minutes), and they will have extra 1-2 minutes to introduce their work.
Finalists need to prepare their own cooking materials and utensils. Only basic cooking utensils and water will be provided.
Finalists can prepare and proceed some time-consuming ingredients before the competition, in order to complete the dishes within the specified time.
Finalists should use the recipe submitted during the selection process. However, finalists can adjust the ingredients, portions, and cooking methods according to the dish requirements after the pre-competition preparation activities.
All finalists will be invited to the Care Food Cooking Competition Award Ceremony in November when they will also be presented with trophies. They also have to prepare the dish they prepared in competition for display and introduction.
Dish Requirements
Finalists are required to cook shortlisted dishes and comply with the Guideline of Care Food Standard.
The dish needs to meet one of the following levels in the Guideline of Care Food Standard:
- Level 4 (Pureed)
- Level 5 (Minced & Moist)
- Level 6 (Soft & Bite-sized)
- Level 7EC (Easy to Chew)
Remark: The Guideline of Care Food Standard will be taught during pre-competition activities.
Award Ceremony
Date and Venue
Date: 23rd November, 2024 (Saturday)
Time: To be announced
Venue: Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
All finalists will be invited to the Care Food Cooking Competition Award Ceremony in November when they will also be presented with trophies. They also have to prepare the dish they prepared in competition for display and introduction.
Star Judges
Preliminary Selection
Mr. Jason Lai Chung Him
Registered Speech Therapist accredited by the HKSAR Department of Health
Jason Lai is a Registered Speech Therapist in Hong Kong. He is also a Clinical Specialist under The Biber Protocol®️ in swallowing electrical stimulation therapy, as well as a PORi-certified Head & Neck Cancer Rehabilitation Therapist. Jason has extensive work experience in diverse settings, particularly district services and hospital services. He served the Enhanced Home and Community Care Services, Residential Care Homes for the Elderly, Outreach Professional Services, Hostels for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities, and Day Centers.
Jason specializes in electrical stimulation therapy, voice training, head and neck cancer rehabilitation, fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallow (FEES) and more. He is currently working in multiple hospitals, medical clinics and surgical clinics.
Ms. Krystal Li
Registered Dietitian accredited by the HKSAR Department of Health, Accredited Practising Dietitian (Australia)
Krystal Li is a Registered Dietitian in Hong Kong and Australia over 15 years working experience, an experienced FODMAP trained dietitian, specialises in inflammatory bowel syndrome (IBS) nutrition.
Krystal currently works at a private hospital, which offers enteral and parental nutrition (tube feeding) to in- patients, provided personalised nutrition advice for diseases management and cancer patients before, during and after treatments using medical nutrition therapy approach.
She enjoys sharing the concept of “Food as medicine” and seeing everyone establishing a balanced healthy lifestyle in a relax atmosphere.
Mr. John Rocha
Food Culture Enthusiast, Cookbook Author, TV Cooking Show Chef, Gas Cooking Centre Instructor
John Rocha is a Chinese-Portuguese Eurasian. John devoted himself in the field of marketing upon his graduation from the UK and had his own marketing consultancy. He stepped into the culinary world out of passion but immediately turned into his second career. Sharing his heritage Macanese cooking, John published 4 cookbooks in just five years and one of his books was ranked as Top seller among Lifestyle category at Eslite Bookstore. With over 100,000 followers on social media, John appeared as chef on local tv channels, RTHK radio shows and writing his food & culture column with 2 printed medias. His fifth cooking book will be published in October 2024.
Dr Tam Wing Sai, Jessica
Business Director, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
Dr. Tam is currently the Business Director of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service. She is committed in promoting the development of the local Care Food market and building a sustainable Care Food Eco-System. At the same time, he is the editor-in-chief of the Guideline of Care Food Standard, helping to formulate a set of unified, clear and localized guideline, hoping to improve the quality of life of people with dysphagia.

Competition Awards
Awards and Prizes
Care Food Home Chef
Each awardee will receive prizes with a total value of HK$1,200.
"Gourmet Food" Award (1 winner)*
"Joy" Award (1 winner)*
"Connections" Award (1 winner)*
"Compassion" Award (1 winner)*
Each awardee will receive prizes with a total value of HK$800 each.
Public Favorite Award (1 winner)
Awardee will receive prizes with a total value of HK$800.
The Most Nutritious Award (1 winner)*
Awardee will receive prizes with a total value of HK$800.
*In order to encourage participants to take part in the competition, various prizes will be awarded. With the exception of the Care Food Home Chef Award and the Most Liked Award, winners of all other awards will not be eligible for duplicate awards.
Award List
Care Food Home Chef (listed by competition group number)
LAM Chui Yee
Miranda TSANG
Rhea Padua
HIEW Yin Ping
HUI Oi Chui Alice
YAU Sau Ying Forrie
WANG Ya Ping
"Gourmet Food" Award
HIEW Yin Ping
"Joy" Award
Rhea Padua
"Connections" Award
Miranda TSANG
"Compassion" Award
HUI Oi Chui Alice
Public Favorite Award
The Most Nutritious Award
Strategic Partners and Sponsors of Care Food Cooking Competition 2024