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「食得喜」樂齡美食烹飪大賽2024 頒獎典禮


「食得喜」樂齡美食烹飪大賽2024已於10月19日圓滿結束👏🏻,並於11月23日舉辦頒獎典禮,嘉許一班入圍照顧者及學廚過去幾個月嘅努力💪🏻。早前完成嘅公眾至愛大獎投票活動,結果亦已經出爐。得獎者係Winarwit ,佢嘅參賽菜式係跨「越」時光咖喱雞。

頒獎典禮特別邀請到勞工及福利局副局長何啟明先生同照護食大王安德尊先生到場為照顧者及學廚打氣。大王仲同其中三位照顧者對談💬,分享幾位照顧者嘅心路歷程。另外,我哋仲邀請左大王同比賽其中一位星級評判——John Rocha鹹蝦燦,教授大家烹調一道照護食菜式——腸仔菠蘿燴意粉仔😋,讓大家喺屋企都可以煮出有歡樂氣氛嘅菜式,同家人分享喜悅😇



1. 林翠怡

2. 曾明行

3. Rhea PADUA

4. 邱燕萍

5. 許愛珠

6. Winarwit

7. 邱秀英

8. 王雅萍



「喜悅」嘉許:Rhea PADUA






【Care Food Cooking Competition 2024 Award Ceremony】

Care Food Cooking Competition 2024 finished successfully on October 19👏🏻 , and the award ceremony was held on November 23 to honor the efforts of caregivers and the student chefs over the past few months💪🏻 . The results of the Public Favorite Award voting activity, which was completed earlier, have also been announced. The winner is Winarwit , whose dish is "Across Time: Vietnamese Curry Chicken."

The Award Ceremony had the special guests Mr. Ho Kai-ming, Under Secy for Labour and Welfare, and Mr. Junior Anderson, as known as "Tai Wong", who encouraged the caregivers and student chefs. Mr. Anderson also engaged in discussions with three caregivers💬 , sharing their personal caring journeys. Additionally, we invited Mr. Anderson along with one of the competition's star judges—John Rocha—to teach everyone how to cook a Care Food dish: "Braised Spaghetti with Sausage and Pineapple"😋 , allowing everyone to create joyful meals at home to share happiness with their families.

The list of award winners for the Care Food Cooking Competition 2024 includes:

🏆 Care Food Home Chef (listed by competition group number):

1. LAM Chui Yee

2. Miranda TSANG

3. Rhea PADUA

4. HIEW Yin Ping

5. HUI Oi Chui Alice

6. Winarwit

7. YAU Sau Ying Forrie

8. WANG Ya Ping

🏆 Various Awards:

"Gourmet Food" Award: HIEW Yin Ping

"Joy" Award: Rhea Padua

"Connections" Award: Miranda TSANG

"Compassion" Award: HUI Oi Chui Alice

The Most Nutritious Award: Winarwit

Public Favorite Award: Winarwit

We hope that the concept of Care Food can penetrate deeper into the community, providing caregivers with more information when preparing food for individuals with swallowing difficulties, ensuring that they can eat with joy😇.

#照護食見習生 #Care Food Trainee #照護食大使 #Care Food Ambassador


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